Original Works

It is time for Original Works!  You should have all received your packet containing your preview magnet and order brochure in the last few days.  Please return your payment, magent, or order by  November 4!

1 - Decide if you want to keep your magnet
2 - Return your magnet or $6 payment to school in the green biodegradable bag
3 - Decide if you want to order any additional items and include the completed order form and payment in the green biodegradable bag

The products offered by Original Works make great holiday gifts for family
Raise funds for the school to purchase new supplies and equipment for the art department!

Thank you for all of the support!  Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Wait, is this Science or Art?

Fifth grade students started their color unit this week. We completed a color lab in which students had to carefully follow the lab directions, make and record observations, and make inferences about the results. At the end of the lab one student said, "Wait, is this Science or Art?" I replied, "BOTH!"

-- Mrs. A

Welcome back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and that you were all able to get out and see some art! I went to the High Museum this past Saturday to see the Dali exhibit. I visited the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida in July and have seen the exhibit at the High twice. If you haven't seen the exhibit yet, I have two great opportunites for you to see it FREE!

This Sunday is Target Free Family Day from noon to 5pm. Visit this link for more details on all of the fun activities!

Fulton Free Saturday is available to Fulton County residents and provides free admission to the High Museum the first Saturday of each month! That means you have 3 more chances before the show ends January 9, 2011.
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